Emotion Code

 6 session minimum for new clients  

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It's a form of energy healing where we discover and remove your trapped emotions - energies stuck in your body from past emotional experiences. It’s a safe, gentle, and non-invasive process and could help you feel more energetic, happier, calmer, more creative, more connected to others & possibly less physical discomfort.

What is the Emotion Code?

What is a heart-wall?

How do trapped emotions affect my life?

why is removing trapped emotions important?

What is the difference between proxy & virtual?

Trapped emotions affect how you think, perceive the world & react in everyday life. Are you easily triggered? Defensive? Anxious? Depressed? These could be signs that your subconscious mind is taking the driver's seat.

What is the Emotion Code?

What is a heart-wall?

How do trapped emotions affect my life?

why is removing trapped emotions important?

What is the difference between proxy & virtual?

Emotions = Energy in motion

When emotions get trapped your body is now functioning at a lower vibration. Therefore, you attract lower vibration circumstances subconsciously. You won't even realize you are self-sabotaging or why you have physical pain appear out of nowhere until the trapped emotions are removed.

What is the Emotion Code?

What is a heart-wall?

How do trapped emotions affect my life?

why is removing trapped emotions important?

What is the difference between proxy & virtual?

A heart-wall is an energetic protective mechanism our subconscious mind creates to protect ourselves from perceived harm. It gets created throughout our entire lives from the trauma we experience & alters aspects of our personality. Even though we may desire a specific outcome, our subconscious mind will self-sabotage out of fear of repeating past patterns & getting hurt.

What is the Emotion Code?

What is a heart-wall?

How do trapped emotions affect my life?

why is removing trapped emotions important?

What is the difference between proxy & virtual?

A Virtual session is where we do the session over Facetime or by phone

A Proxy session is when I do the session the day it's scheduled on my own time & email you my findings by 6 PM

What is the Emotion Code?

What is a heart-wall?

How do trapped emotions affect my life?

why is removing trapped emotions important?

What is the difference between proxy & virtual?